I've taken easily over 100 pictures like this, I do plan to post them to an album, but I don't have the energy to do that today, and therein lies something worthwhile to comment on.
For years while I watched my wife suffer the torments of migraines with no relief, I urged her to grasp back at life, to pull some of it back from the maw of the demonic beast which had taken over her life. Since she is a dynamic creative person, a major thing I encouraged her in was expressing herself creatively and engaging that rich inner world of hers. Its paid off... she's written two incredible novels (as yet sadly unpublished), is well on her way to finishing a third, and has done numerous outstanding paintings (as yet sadly unposted.)
Since my atraumatic fracture of my femur last November, the discovery of osteoporosis & the diagnosis of fibromyalgia, I've had the unique opportunity (how I dearly hope its unique!) for me to practice what I've long been preaching.
When fibro first struck me down though it was a tough transition to make... before fibro, I was routinely doing major complex projects such as my video tour-de-force "Fire Spirit, Inspired by the music of Troll's Den." which featured photos I took of this same shrub- the "burning bush"- last year, using an innovative "animation" style which has greatly informed subsequent projects.
I couldn't begin to maitain the energy levels and concentration it took to create that now. I kept trying and projects kept being left uncompleted.
So lately I've learned to grasp on to what bits of energy and focus I have, for as long as I have them, and do smaller projects.
The next step will be to break the larger projects into smaller bits I can still do, but I want to get more well established in this groove of posting something creative every day before I do this.
About the photo
I used the "relief more" filter on it, but otherwise, this photo actually features far less "magic" than most of mine. I didn't adjust the exposure at all, I simply set the camera to "macro focus" so it could capture the leaves at low light settings.When I'm able to process all the "Burning bush- slate sky" photos, I'll do an album. For now though, this stunning picture serves as today's window into my creative soul.
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