Friday, November 19, 2010

Mirco Med Rant - Were famine care handled as health care...

  • Those most hungry would have to go to the greatest lengths to prove they need food
  • Rice gruel and barely potable water would be substituted for meat and milk
  • When waiting in line for food, the line would close and the person would be redirected to another line... and they'd have to start at the back
  • "Hunger" by itself would not be considered a valid reason for food aid. Instead, extensive laboratory tests would be required to demonstrate that the person was in a state of malnutrition.
  • These tests would delay the provision of food and exacerbate the problem of hunger.
  • Those least in need of food would have the most ready access to it.

This has nothing to do with politics. It has to do with ridiculous and onerous burdens placed on those who are sick and in need of care... I don't care whose idea it was to create these added procedures and layers of administration which stand between the person needing care and the provision of the care - the problem is that they exist at all.

Its axiomatic that the more in need you are, the weaker and more burdened by ill health, the harder you have to work to get the care you need. This is the world turned upside down... thus my graphic.

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